Matches & Competitions
Matches & Competitions
Members may bring guests to any of our matches as long as they have a valid P.A.L. as required for the firearms used. A fee of $10.00 will be charged to all guests and they must be signed in as a guest for insurance reasons. Any member bringing a guest is responsible for that guest to understand and abide by all club and range rules. Anyone requiring more information may contact a LRRC Director or Committee Chair for the range in question.
Click on match to view details.
April 27 & September 28/24
This match is held twice per year on the last Saturday of April and September starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Sniper matches are open to members in good standing from other clubs as guests.
- Matches are shot at 100 & 200 yards with sighter targets available.
- Matches are shot from our benches with front rest as supplied only.
- A time limit applies to each match.
- Requires a 22 cal center fire or larger rifle with scope (suggested minimum 12 power).
- Requires 25 – 30 rounds of ammo per match.
- Fees are $40.00 for first match, with a $10.00 per reshoot fee and no limit on the number of reshoots.
- Targets, rules and prizes will be explained on the day of the match.
- Match will break at noon for a BBQ included in fee.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
May 11/24
- Matches are shot at 9:00 a.m. on the outdoor rifle range at 60 yards in prone position.
- You may use your own bipod or the club will supply a front rest for your rifle.
- Requires either a 22 rim fire or 22 Mag rim fire rifle with scope.
- Requires 35 – 40 rounds plus sighters for each match.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Prohibited Handgun Match
May 25/24
- Match will be shot on the outdoor handgun range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Match to be shot with Prohibited Center Fire Handguns.
- Each match requires approximately 30 – 40 rounds.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Black Powder Muzzle Loading Rifle Match
June 8/24
- Match to be shot on the 100 yard rifle range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Muzzle loading rifles only of any caliber may be used.
- Each match requires approximately 30 rounds.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Black Powder Handgun Match
June 22/24
- Match to be shot on the outdoor handgun range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Only muzzle loading or cap and ball handguns of any caliber may be used.
- Each match requires approximately 30 rounds.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Lead Bullet & Iron Sights Match
July 6/24
- Match to be shot on the 100 & 200 yard rifle range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Only center fire rifles with iron sights may be used.
- Each match requires approximately 40 rounds.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Revolver Match
July 20/24
- Match to be shot on the outdoor handgun range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- Revolvers only 22 rim fire or any centre fire may be used.
- Each match requires approximately 30-40 rounds.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Military Match
Aug 17/24
- Match to be shot on the 100 & 200 yard rifle range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- The military match has 4 classes:
- Bolt Action rifle, any caliber center fire
- Semi Automatic, any caliber center fire
- Sniper Rifle, any caliber center fire
- Handgun, any caliber center fire
- Shooters do not have to shoot all classes.
- A minimum of 10 rounds of ammo is required for each class.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
NOTE: Only rifles and handguns allowed by the CFO can be used at LRRC range.
Hunter Match
Aug 24/24
- Match to be shot on the 60 & 100 yard rifle range starting at 9:00 a.m.
- The Hunter match has 5 classes:
- 22 Cal rim fire 60 yards – 10 rounds ammo
- 22 Cal center fire 100 yards – 10 rounds ammo
- 25-30 Cal center fire 100 yards – 10 rounds ammo
- 32 Cal and higher 100 yards – 10 rounds ammo
- Slug Shotguns 100 yards – 5 rounds ammo
- Shooters may shoot in any or all classes.
- Firearms used may have iron sights or scopes – your choice.
- This match is shot offhand with no rests.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A single fee of $10.00 is charged regardless of which classes you enter with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
22 Rim Fire Rifle & Handgun Combo Match
Sept 7/24
- Match to be shot on the indoor or outdoor range, depending on weather, starting at 9:00 a.m.
- The match is shot with combined targets for 22 rim fire rifles & handguns with iron sights only.
- A complete match requires approximately 100 rounds.
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $10.00 is charged with no charge for reshoots.
- A BBQ lunch provided after the match is included in the fee.
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Turkey shoot
Sept 14/24
- Match to be shot on the outdoor shotgun range starting at 9:00 a.m. and will continue as long as competitors want to shoot.
- The match is shot with the 12 ga. shotgun of your choice.
- 12 ga. 2 ¾” # 4 shells are supplied by LRRC.
- Turkey sighter targets set at 30 yards on stands are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $5.00 is charged per match shot.
- The fee paid per line is split between the winner of the line and LRRC. (High shot count wins.)
- Match winners will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Walkabout Bow Match
Oct 5/24
- Match to be shot on the outdoor bow range starting at 1:00 p.m.
- The match is open to all bows & crossbows with field tips only.
- 3D targets on the LRRC bow range are used.
- No fee is charged.
- This match is for fun & to bring out anyone that has a bow.
- Experienced hunters will share their skills with new hunters and enthusiasts.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.
Indoor Sniper Matches
Dates listed in newsletter
Matches are shot on the indoor range starting at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd Sunday of Nov, Dec, Jan. Feb. Mar, & Apr.
- Requires 22 rim fire rifles with iron sights or scopes to compete in iron sights or optic sight classes.
- Requires 40 rounds of ammo
- Targets are supplied and will be explained the day of the match.
- A fee of $5.00 is charged per match.
- The top 5 score average over the season determines the winner of the optic & iron classes for the season. Match winners in each class will be listed in the club newsletter.
- All LRRC safety and range rules apply.